Trump's Executive Orders -- The Good

Trump's Executive Orders -- The Good
The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly movie poster, available at printerval

I’ve been reading through all the executive orders that Trump issued in his first week.  I’m not a supporter of Trump, but I am a realist, and he is the President.  So, I want to understand what he is trying to accomplish.

I am not a policy wonk.  I am sure there are some nuances I am missing, but these orders should be comprehensible by regular citizens.

The tracker at the Akin law firm was invaluable.   Also, the Federal Register is very useful, tho it lags the orders a little. It is way too hard to parse and track all these orders, particularly those referring to prior orders — a topic for another post.

It is going to take me a few posts to get through all these.  I’m going to start with the EOs that seem largely good.  

Reducing the Regulatory Burden

It is easy to find articles about how hard it is to build anything in the US due to onerous regulations and onerous lawsuits.  The Trump orders are merely scratching the surface here, but every small step is good.  There is much much more to be done.

Encouraging Economic Growth

We need to create better jobs, we need to rebuild our manufacturing competitiveness and manufacturing capacity, we need to pay down our debt, and the best way to do all that is to have robust economic growth.  Some of Trump’s orders will help with growth — though we need to do even more.

Stopping Obsolete Efforts

These orders are obvious — let’s stop doing things that events have overtaken.  I wish every EO and law had built-in sunset provisions so that we could reexamine all government work regularly.

Governing More Efficiently

Certainly, we should perform the functions of government as efficiently and cheaply as we can.  Every dollar the government spends is a dollar out of our pockets, a dollar that could be spent more wisely on market-based consumption and innovation.


These seem completely non-controversial.

Other governance issues

Finally, a few sundry orders relating to governance and sovereignty.   These seem obvious.  


While I am unhappy with Trump as President, it makes no sense to burn energy by challenging everything he does.  He is doing some stupid, harmful, and immoral things.   And I will talk about those in the next post.   

But pushing for greater economic growth and getting the government out of the way — these are good things, and we need to do even more.