Labors of Love

Labors of Love
1234qwer1234qwer4, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Not all technology has a massive impact on the world. Some of it is important for only a certain community of users. Heck, some of it is maybe even only personally relevant – I have a little program I only run once a year, at Christmas time, to set up Secret Santa giving in the family, but I am proud of it and it has served me well.

I admire anyone who really puts effort into crafting something well, even if it is not going to get them a lot of attention or a lot of financial awards. It is a labor of love, and it shows how much care the person has for the process, and for the users of the technology. 

For instance, creating a math font.   I have deep admiration for Simon Cozens, the person who spent so much energy and time creating this font.   The attentiveness to detail and the craftsmanship are inspirational.

And even more inspiration is the willingness to share it with us all. By sharing his process and knowledge, we are all enriched. We learn a ton about the technology, and we get a model to follow in our own work. 

Thank you Simon.